sobota, října 09, 2004

04-10-09 Therezin

Today, Saturday, I went to Therezin. What is it? It was the biggest transit camp of Jews during the Second World War. It is an underground fortress so it is really hard to say it size. During the Hapsburgs reign it was used as a politician prison. And there was also a Jews ghetto. So we visited it, we saw the dorms, the bathroom that was never used by the prisoners. There was one of my German friend with us and I remember he told me that it was hard for him and that even his grand parents don’t understand why he go she those places. I think that a lot are still ashamed of what happened. I don’t find that fair since the German youth is not responsible for all of that and yet they are still paying the price. Here look at the pictures…. Nothing to say more.

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