sobota, září 25, 2004

04-09-25 Kutna Hora & Kostnice

So today guess what it is still raining. But anyway, we challenge the bad weather and go to our trip to Kutna Hora and Kostnice. First we arrive at Kostnice, or in English the bone church. Yah, nice name no? Of course it is called like that because it is made from bones. You’ll see it on the pictures. If I remember well, their was either a war or an epidemic and the cemetery was full so they put the bones of the dead inside the church and made those chandelier and pile of bones like an hotel. Talking about the chandelier, in it there is at least one bone of every bone in it. Disgusting right! But I found it quite amazing and some what beautiful. After looking at the cemetery outside we take the bus again to go to Kutna Hora, which it an old rich mining town.

Kutna Hora was the most prosper when there was still mine of mint but after it became less influent and left alone. Although, as you can see on the picture it is quite charming and it would be more if it wouldn’t rain! But anyway enjoy the picture. I forgot to mention that it is a UNESCO protected city. In it you can see a beautiful cathedral but it never was finished. It is called St. Barbara’s Cathedral. It is a gothic cathedral but that was redecorated in baroque style. Then later they uncover the hidden panting on the wall and now it is a mix I between. But it was nice to see the old painting directly on the walls and the really amazing ceiling. We also visit the mining museum which is really interesting. It was a very imported town so a lot of Czech history is related to it. It is also very beautiful and old building and old architecture.

Look at the picture and see for your self!

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