sobota, září 11, 2004

04-09-11 Leaving Montreal

I remember, me and Geneviève were in the airport, both with our parents. It is quite difficult to say how I was feeling inside. It was a mix between an excitement in front of the adventure and a fear of leaving to live alone. Has you probably know I was still living at my parents house. So we were waiting to get in the plane. My mother, her boyfriend, my father, his girlfriend and my sister were there. Nobody cried. I was about to leave for a year in a country that wasn't speaking my language. A country that I didn't know anything on, beside that his prime minister was Vaclav Havel, a writer. And nothing in my thoughts. Well nothing extraordinary. This is real life I guess. I was thinking about the plane trip, that it would take 7 hours. I was happy to have a cd-player and my music. Nobody cried. We checked in my two really luggage, we walked to the gate. We waited, I didn't had really anything special to say. I, like everybody ( I guess) was feeling a tensed atmosphere. But in general I was happy deep inside me to leave for this adventure. Somebody came for Geneviève. I said goodbye to my parents and my sister, nobody cried, and we left to get inside the plane. In the plane me and Geneviève we talked, we both were eager to get there. I remember beside us, their were a old woman who talked with us about Prague, like the river Moldau in french is named Vltava. She also said something about Smetana. But you know old people talk too much some time :) . While in the plane there was a hockey game that I would have really wish to see. Canada against Czech republic, Canada won of course, :) . My first contact with Czech culture was in the plane. They showed us Vcernicek. It is really nice and funny.

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