čtvrtek, června 16, 2005

05-06-16 GoodBye Flat Party

Like the title says, this is the goodbye party of our flat. In fact the next morning we have to be in the train FOR CROATIA!!!!! Jupiiii like they say in Czech. What we did was, just invite all of our friends. I didn’t realize how many friend I had made before they were most of them there. I was really incredible party. It was even going on in the corridor of the dorms. Lucky us we were in the last floor so the security didn’t bother us until late, but I mean really late. So we they came we just went out in some bar. I think I slept this night something like 3 hours. And then we had to get our backpack on out back and get going to the train station!

And now some special words, ya it will be cheesy, and probably really
First of all, to all my friend thank you, those who are know it and if you read this it is probably because you are a friend. Thanks so many time for the greatest year that I have passed with you. I mean it and that’s why I am writing it here. This year will be one that I’ll remember all my life for sure, but not only in general but every small detail. And you’ll always be somewhere in my mind. I promise. I also hope to see all of you again one day and that on that day we’ll celebrate our reunion!

So enough,... IT was one of the best nights I ever had, to see all of the friends from the semester and the one that I made outside the ERASMUS circle and to have the chance to say good bye, now the real challenge will be to keep in touch. That is always the hardest part. Anyway even if we talk once in a month it doesn’t mean we don’t care…. For sure more than once in a month I’ll think of you, since you all made a great and unalterable mark on my life which I’ll cherish on and on….

So we lived happy ever after

Ciao ciao and see you soon….

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